Saturday, February 27, 2010


It's Saturday, so my blog will be personal. The snowstorm last night brought my daughter and granddaughter (14) to our doorstep. Their car had slid off the icy road not far from our house. They were okay, but pretty shook up. If the car had slid six inches farther, the vehicle would've rolled down an embankment. They safely got out of the car and walked to a nearby nursing home and stayed there in the warmth until the tow truck arrived. While at the nursing home, my daughter talked to some of the residents in the lobby, all expressing delight at having visitors so late at night. One elderly woman took hold of my daughter's hand and claimed her as her own daughter. All in all, everything worked out fine. Instead of driving the 80 miles back to Columbus, they stayed the night with us. This morning my daughter woke up in her old room, and before ten o'clock was on the road again. Leia had big plans with her friends; Jake (10) had hockey; Tori (4) had Celtic dance. Or maybe it's called clogging. Anyway, such is life. I'm a lucky woman!!!


  1. Thank God they're okay. WOw - what an accident.
    The roads here were terrible too. We have about a ft. of snow with everything covered over that R had cleaned off.
    A winter to remember. Blessings on this cold day.

  2. Hi Sherry - I was having my hair done the other day and my stylist (Cheri Fritch) and I were talking about books and writers and she told me about you. I'm a librarian, currently at Columbus State CC, formerly at Worthington Libraries. I'm an avid reader of many different genres and a fledgling writer (ok, maybe hopefully a fledgling writer). Your blog looks interesting...I look forward to checking out some of the articles. I have my own blog...very new... at
    Nice to meet you. Linda Roberts
