Thursday, April 22, 2010


Yesterday was a wonderful day. Debbie, my friend and fellow blogger (Life is a Stitch and other thoughts that make you smile), brought lunch and a bottle of wine. We sat on my back porch and talked for several hours, just enjoying the woods and conversations about writing, quilting, a little of this - a little of that. The lunch of chicken salad, cucumber salad, a grain bread and fresh strawberries and grapes was absolutely delictible. In this fast-paced world, it's easy, and sometimes more convenient, to make do with fast-food friends, the friends that come and go in our lives, and in the end, we don't really know much about them. Like fast food containers, we end up throwing them away with little thought or concern. Me? I'd rather have the five-course friends, the friends where easy conversations and laughter come naturally, the friends I keep and treasure like my best china. Today, choose a friend and give them a call, just to let them know how much you value their love and support. Life is not about consuming the over-salted and pre-packaged convenient stuff. Indeed not. Life is about the preparation, sharing and savoring each bite.


  1. What a great post! I have never though of some short lived friendships as fast-food friends but I see your point. Our lives are filled with people that ebb and flow in and out of our lives. But you are right- five-course friends are the main stays of life!

  2. Sher,
    You're good with words, girlfriend. I loved this blog. First of all, I've been there on the porch and know how relaxing it can be. Lunch sounded yummy. And you're right about friends. I'd never thought of them as fast food friends but you hit it on the head. And then there are some five course friends that we lose temporarily along the way and hopefully pick back up eventually. We have some of those. I miss them! Friends from our life in Cleveland. Oh well. I'll enjoy the five course friends here. You're one of the best!

  3. Ditto, girlie... it was a wonderful afternoon! Exactly what was needed on another beautiful day!
