Thursday, April 26, 2012


Okay, it's officially spring. While I have been ignoring my blog lately, I want you to know that I've been deligently working on my next novel, DEVIL'S CHANGE. Although the novel is complete, I'm in the throes of editing, and anyone who writes, knows what a headache that is. Writing is a lonely job. No one in the real world can possibly understand the amount of time and emotional stress involved in creating a novel. At times, even your beloved characters get disgruntled and tap their feet, wondering when the heck you're finally going to get it together. Of course, the payoff comes when the story goes out to your very special "readers" who give of their time to read the story and give invaluable comments and suggestions. I am pleased to say I'm finally almost to the point of giving DEVIL'S CHANGE to my "readers" and hope they will love the story and characters just as much as I do. At that point, the first and biggest phase will be complete. Then, off to the printers.


  1. I love the photo of the porch. Woo hoo. That place is coming together. Can't wait to see the garage and man cave!
    I'm so happy to see you blogging and writing.
    It's good weather for it.
    I've been doing this and that! Doing some check book clean up. Hate that.
    Working on editing the short story collection today.
    I need to change one story around but other than that it's finished. Just some fine tuning.
    Hang in and talk soon. B

  2. I'm looking forward to your next book Sherry. I only hope I can get it here is NJ :-)
