Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sherry Hartzler - - BOOKS FOR WOMEN: "DON'T" EAT CAKE!!!

Sherry Hartzler - - BOOKS FOR WOMEN: "DON'T" EAT CAKE!!!


Okay, it's a new year. I'm saying goodbye to all the chocolates, cookies, cakes and other tempting desserts that have put my blood sugar into a spiraling frenzy. Not to mention the extra two pounds to be shoved into my jeans and zipped up. I've long ago given up on new year's resolutions. They don't work, not really. I've found that bad habits usually follow you around like spoiled children, always wanting what they want, when they want it. So, this year, I've started something new, not really a resolution at all. This year I will not commit to anything that involves a second thought. I'll do what I can to be the best person I can be, eat the best foods for my body and mostly be kind to others. Hmmm that cheesecake in the photo was mighty good. Perhaps my commitment to not commit will be the best-kept resolution ever. As for the treats. well now, Valentine's Day is just around the corner. I can smell the chocolate now! My favorite: chocolate covered cherries.

Also want to thank everyone for all the wonderful December sales on Amazon Kindle - Happy New Year!
Sherry Hartzler, Author of
Three Moons Over Sedona
Island Passage.